Work on manufacture projects for different types of AC wire-cut machinery by creating and modifying designs based on 2 and 4 axis wire-paths. The suite supports AgieCharmilles CUTx0P, CUTx00mS/Sp and CUTx00/CUT200C/CU200P (Millennium) series of platforms.
Fikus Visualcam is provided with a programming assistant, QuickWire, and developed and tested together with the machine manufacturer, so that no setup is needed. Just postprocess and get the G-Code ready to use on the machine. The main benefits that Fikus brings to the user of a new Cut20 machine: reduce programming time and efforts using the Quickwire and the logical step-by-step process of producing the needed cuts., ease geometry construction and part definition using the powerful CAD functions included, generate the programs on the computer using the same technology tables as in the machine, take profit of the most advanced toolpath calculation algorithms for 2X and 4X cuts.